Readers' Corner

Above left: Mike Hayward - Having a break in the polytunnel with Stirling Moss (1955 Scrapbook).
Above right: Stirling Moss Biography, on a ferry at Lake Garda
Welcome to the Porter Press 'Readers' Corner', where we would like to include your stories/photos of reading our titles. Perhaps you have a personal link to one of the subjects or there is a particular book you enjoyed.
We're also running an ongoing feature called "Where Do You Read Yours?" For this we're asking you to send us photos of you enjoying a Porter Press title - ideally in an unusual place. You'll see a couple of our latest contributions above!
Please share photos via Facebook or Twitter, and please do include the hashtag #whereareyoureadingyours
Stories and comments can be sent in the same way, or email them to us.
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